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Moving on past Blue Monday - Hugs from the team at CaroQuilla. | CaroQuilla

Moving on past Blue Monday - Hugs from the team at CaroQuilla.

If ever there was a year that Blue Monday was in play, it is 2021. 

Depending on who you believe, for 2021 either last Monday (the 18th) or this Monday (the 24th), but generally it is the 3rd Monday after new year.

Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

Blue Monday is “the most depressing day of the year”.   On this day in January, it is said that all sorts of bad things tend to happen.  Typically it’s one of the coldest days of the year (at least in the Northern hemisphere), not a good start.  Reports say that for the majority of people, by this point most people’s New year's resolutions have fallen off.  Personal debt levels are at their highest.  Reports of depression are at their highest.  And the list goes on.

Now arguably, the Monday effect may be minimalized because, let’s face it, everyday these days feels like a Monday!  And hopefully, thanks to less Christmas/festive interactions, you kept your debt level a bit more in check  But yes, it is cold, and if you are likely to make resolutions, chances are they are no longer in play.  So if you’re feeling blue, what does one do to move on?

We know what you’re thinking… “What’s an underwear company doing weighing in on such a heavy topic?” One of our key values at CaroQuilla is supporting mental health.  Maria, our founder and CEO, has personal experience with the challenges of depression and anxiety and shares openly about it in our post “New Beginnings” 

We believe, to our core, that self care, metal health, self perception, and yes underwear are connected.  How we see ourselves, how we value ourselves and how we take care of ourselves starts each day with our very first sight of ourselves.  Almost without exception that’s in front of a mirror in just our undies.  What we tell ourselves at that moment sets the tone for our self perception for the day.  It is a habit, done usually without thought or consideration.  The recording just plays in our head.

What does your recording sound like?  Is it kind? Generous and complimentary?  Or is it a bit on the critical side?  Or, like so many of us especially at this challenging time of year, is it downright cruel?  Would you sit by and let a stranger talk to your friend the way your inner voice talks to you? There in front of the mirror?

CaroQuilla underwear is designed with two core principles. 1. Be so comfortable that you won’t want to wear anything else. And 2.) Fits in a way that compliments you and your beautiful, natural shape.  We created a collection of essentials.  Styles that won't go out of style.  Basics that women instinctively go to when they want to be comfortable and in control.  We are an underwear company, NOT a lingerie company.  We make the distinction because, rightly or wrongly, we perceive that lingerie is about looking sexy for someone else and underwear is about feeling comfortable and good about yourself FOR yourself.  What happens from there is every woman’s choice.  Feel sexy with it, sure! Feel confident that you can take on anything? Absolutely!

Caroquilla undies on hangers

Our range of undies has been carefully designed to compliment all body shapes and sizes.  Our basic Thong let’s your body “do it’s thing”, our Boy Short that has more complete cover and support.  The CaroQuilla Classic Bikini and High Waist Bikini are staples for many women’s wardrobes.  Why, because they look great when they fit right.  If you haven’t tried CaroQuilla undies, we think you’re in for a treat.

And don't forget you have the added bonus that feeling good happens when we do good.  

So maybe it is “Blue Monday”, but the big question is: what are you doing about it?  What are you going to say to yourself tomorrow morning?  And what are you wearing when you say it?  We hope that your words are something generous and positive, and we hope you’re wearing some fabulous bamboo undies made by CaroQuilla, who think you deserve a whole bunch of self love and self care.

P.s. Try our Dusty Rose undies if Blue isn’t for you today!  ;)

CaroQuilla Bamboo Seamless Hipster womens underwear

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